How To Become A Model Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
1. How can I submit modeling photos and apply to the modeling agency in order to become a ZARZAR MODEL?
You may submit your modeling pictures, statistics, and your contact information (including the best phone number to reach you) by e-mail.
Via e-mail to:
2. Do the modeling pictures have to be professional?
No, professional modeling photographs are not necessary to apply to ZARZAR MODELING AGENCY in order to become a ZARZAR MODEL. However, this does not mean that you should submit blurry modeling images or bad quality modeling pictures. Instead, use the best camera that you have available (borrow one from a friend or relative if necessary) and ask a family member or close friend to take your modeling pictures for you based on the ZARZAR MODELING AGENCY requirements as explained in the “Submit Photos” section of our modeling agency website.
3. What is ZARZAR MODELS looking for in fashion models?
We are looking for natural beauty, which means minimal makeup. Modeling photos should reflect your ability to be versatile and have different looks. Remember to include all measurements (as explained in the “Submit Photos” section of our modeling agency website) when submitting your modeling photos and please do not forget to include the best phone number where we can reach you along with the rest of your contact information (city, state, country, etc.).
I dream of becoming a ZARZAR MODEL and modeling for the world's most prestigious fashion brands. It's all I've ever wanted. It's the only thing that matters. ***
***It’s the only thing that matters in addition to getting an education, ending world hunger, curing all diseases, and world peace.
4. In addition to including my modeling photos, statistics, and contact information (including the best phone number where I can be reached by the modeling agency), are there any additional things that I can do to increase my chances of becoming a ZARZAR MODEL?
Yes. Including a brief 2 or 3 paragraph summary of who you are and why you would like to become a ZARZAR MODEL shows the agency that you are serious about modeling and becoming a successful fashion model.
5. Are there any fees involved in order to become a ZARZAR MODEL?
The agency does not charge any admission fees or any other types of fees in order to become a ZARZAR MODEL and model for the agency.